Monday, January 24, 2011

Candy for Breakfast

They really are sweet...when they're sleeping.

So, my back 'went out,' as they say. It was really and truly miserable, but there was a silver lining: getting the kids off most sugar. Somehow, every meal had evolved into a Pavlovian experiment: "If you eat your lunch/dinner, you can have a treat!" Then there were endless negotiations for how much, what constitutes an actual treat, and on and on it went.

Well, Jay has long argued that if we're gonna give the boys sugar, we should give it to them in the morning so they can work it off before nap or nite-nite. Being a girl of strict motherly principles, I objected to candy in the morning. However, he got the chance to prove his theory when I was immobile for four days.

They've been getting treats in the morning if they eat their dinner the night before.  They fall asleep almost immediately every night...not even getting out of bed for water or a hug or a kiss or to pee or to make sure I'm okay or to get a toy or to check on the progress of world peace. Nothing! It's been a week and a half of pure bliss. Jay and I actually speak to each other in the evening about grown-up things without spelling a single word.

I might just get the hang of this parenting thing one day. Not today, but one day....

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