Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Knew It!

Last summer, Jay delivered a birthday gift to me from my good friend, Lisa. As I was opening itand after he had already had his treat after dinnerJosh and I had this little exchange:

"Is today a special day?" he asked.

"Every day is special with you boys," I replied, as if I were answering a trick question.

"No, I mean it's a special day when it's your birthday," he explained.

"Well, today isn't my birthday; my birthday was last month when we were in Chicago."

"But you got a present today, so it's like your birthday and that's a special day," he persisted.

Not knowing exactly where he was going with this, but willing to cede the point, I answered, "Okay, it's a special day."

"Then can I have another treat?"

I knew it was a trick question....

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your stories. Love them, in fact. Keep it up =-)
