Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I’m Learning

Today's messy playtime was a breeze for me. It was probably more of a breeze for the boys since they made their mess outside...in the breeze. When the big request to play with the Moon Sand and Moon Dough came, I was ready with the answer: Yes! Not only Yes, but Heck Heah! I'm the cool mom who will let you do anything. I just roll with the punches; fly by the seat of my pants; go like the wind. I set them up outside with a vinyl tablecloth on the patio table and turned them loose.

Z&J 071211
They chose to wear the art smocks.
I really didn't think the sand and dough would ruin their clothes, but they're nerdy that way.

J&Z 071211
Zach actually did come into the house once; he needed me to open more Moon Dough for the farm.
Well, alrighty then. Let me get that for you and I'll have you on your way....

As of this moment, they've been out back playing nicely (really...no fighting, no yelling, no crying) for more than an hour. When I finish my bonbons, I'm gonna think about checking up on them. Or maybe I'll just wait until it's time to make dinner. Of course, bathtime probably wouldn't be that late. Oh, wait, as I recall, we were allowed to play outside until the street lights came on....

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